General Information

7.00 am
    • Families begin to arrive and share information with staff
    • Breakfast is served for children who arrive before 8am.
    • Indoor gathering in the Lowan room.
    • Prepared indoor activities are available for the children.
8.00 am
    • Morning tea begins for children who wish to enjoy. A variety of foods such as fruit, toast, muffins, crumpets, yogurt and milk provided by the centre.
8.30 am
    • Outdoor activities are setup by staff.
    • Children have the choice to remain indoor or outdoor, should weather permits.
    • Sunscreen is applied before going outside.
9.00 am
    • Children begin transitioning to their respective rooms
    • Flexibility enables children to choose, to continue, to return to activities or be part of planned experiences.
10.30 am
    • Indoor/Outdoor group time with staff.
10.45 am
    • Children are encouraged to tidy up.
    • Children wash hands for lunch.
11.00 am
    • Lunch is served.
    • Preschool room children scrape their own bowls and pour their own drinks
    • Centre provides a healthy lunch for children, and water. At times children may eat lunch in the outdoor area of the centre.
12.00 pm
    • Sleep/quiet time.
    • Quiet activities available for non-sleepers.
    • School readiness program for pre-schoolers.
2.00 pm
    • Children wake up.
    • Shoes and socks on and help staff to put bed away
    • Wash hands for afternoon tea.
2.30 pm
    • Afternoon Tea
    • Fruit, fresh cooked afternoon tea and milk etc provided by the centre.
3.00 pm – 5.30 pm
    • Indoor/outdoor, free play, planned experiences. (weather permitting)
    • Information exchange between educators and families regarding the child’s day as children getting picked up.
    • Wash hands for snack and water provided by the centre.
    • Late afternoon snack such as fruit, bread, snacks and yogurt.
6.00 pm
    • Centre closes.
  • Parents get an update of what their child/children have been doing during the day by viewing our LIFT App after 2:30pm.
  • Routines can slightly vary between age groups, because children at different age groups require different amount of sleep/rest time and different type of care and activities throughout the day.
  • Eat, sleep and bottle chart, and Nappy change chart are available at the end of the day for parents to view.
  • Nappies are changed, and the toilet used on a needs basis not just at routine times.


Child Care Subsidy still pays for 42 days of absence for each child per financial year. Allowable absences can be taken for any reason i.e. family holiday, religious leave, school holidays etc. If your child exceeds the 42 allowable absences, full fees will be payable for every absence thereafter. Please note that the payment of CCS is between the parent account holder and Centrelink. Our staff may be able to advise - but it is your negotiation with Centre Link that is needed.

Withdrawal from Care

Parents/guardians intending to withdraw their child must provide notice in writing:

  • Two weeks’ notice in writing of the withdrawal of a child is needed.
  • Please remember that fees are paid to book a place for the child. Leylands Learning Centre relies on its fees to offer the quality care it provides.
  • If due notice is not given, then full fees will be due to be paid for a child who leaves, until a place is filled. Please also note that CCS is not paid when a child fails to attend the Centre up to the notified leaving date.

Our current full fee (before Child Care Subsidy)

Information about Chaild Care Subsidy can be found in the Services Australia website:

> Services Australia


0-2 year old room

$143 per day


2-3 year old room

$136 per day


3-6 year old room

$130 per day

  • A $500 bond is to be paid to hold a child’s position at the Service. The bond payment will be refunded to families when the child leaves the service and all outstanding fees are paid off.
  • Fees are payable for all days a child is enrolled on a routine basis, this includes forced closure days, sick days, family holidays and public holidays. This is because the service must pay for rent, staff wages on these days regardless of attendance. The Service may be directed to close due to periods of local emergency such as bushfire or flood or a pandemic.
  • Two weeks’ notice to reduce routine bookings or withdrawal must be provided.
  • Fees are to be paid weekly in arrears through a direct debit system. A statement will be issued every Saturday, it will show current week’s fee, Centrelink CCS and gap fees. Gap fees will be deducted via direct debit on the following Tuesday.

Late Payment of Fees

If a family fails to pay the required fees on time, a reminder letter will be issued after one week and then again, after two weeks if the fees are still outstanding. A child’s position will be terminated if payment has not been made after three weeks, for which the family will receive a final letter terminating the child’s position. At this time the Service will initiate its debt collection process, following privacy and conditional requirements.

Late pickup fees

Our Service is not licensed or insured to have children on the premises outside of the 7:00 am to 6:00 pm time period, Monday to Friday. This is a breach in the Education and Care Regulations. A late fee will apply where children are not picked up prior to closing time. Currently, a fee of $20.00 for the first 10 minutes, and $1 per each minute after that will be incurred by the family. If unavoidably delayed, please contact the centre and advise the staff. Please try to arrange for someone else to pick up the child. Two staff members will stay with your child until collected and they will be paid on their extended working hours.

Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is the payment made by Government to assist families with the costs of child care. It is paid directly to the service and passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families are required to make a co-contribution to their child care fees and pay the service the difference between the fee charged and the subsidy amount, this difference is called the gap fee. The service is not directly involved in the calculation of a family’s entitlements this is a matter between the family and Centrelink.

Parents can use our CCS calculator to get an estimate of your child care subsidy and gap fee:

Child Care Subsidy Calculator

Child Care Calculator

6. What's your CCS entitlement hours per fortnight? (Your entitlement...) *


A further 5% of your subsidy entitlement will be withheld by the government until your EOFY annual reconciliation.

The information generated is an estimate only please read the disclaimer and contact Centrelink for more information

Leylands Learning Centre provides a nutritionally balanced menu of breakfast, morning tea, hot lunch, afternoon tea and late afternoon snack. We will supply fresh milk, soy milk (if required) and water for morning and afternoon tea.

Leylands Learning Centre is a nut and egg free centre. Please do not bring produces that contain nuts or eggs as this can cause allergic or anaphylaxis reactions among children who attend the service.

After careful consideration and research, Leylands Learning Centre has selected Kids Gourmet Food as our preferred caterer for our children’s meals.

Why we chose KGF:
  1. They use premium quality fresh ingredients from the markets, and prepared by a team of qualified chefs.
  2. They have designed a menu around the use nutritious ingredients such as whole grains, vegetables, fruit, fish, poultry, red meat and full cream dairy products. Sugar, salt and saturated fat are kept to an absolute minimum.
  3. They have a 6-week rotating menu, providing children with variety of food throughout the year.
  4. All meat served are Halal certified. Making Leylands Learning Centre a Halal centre.
  5. Special meals are always provided separately, making allergen control during mealtime effortless.
  6. Puree for younger children also provided.
Sample Menu:

We Provide
  • Sunscreen.
  • Protective clothing for painting, water play etc.
  • Breakfast
  • Morning tea
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon tea
  • Late afternoon snack
  • School readiness program
  • The centre caters for children with other food allergies and religions needs.
What to Bring
  • One hat (if possible wide brimmed or legionnaire) if not purchasing our hat.
  • One blanket and cover sheet for sleep/rest time (if possible cot set size).
  • One extra set of both summer and winter clothing (please include more if your child is toilet training).
  • Two pairs of underpants (if your child is toilet training).
  • Nappies for the whole day (if required).
  • A reasonable locker size bag for all their belongings.
  • Please send your child in suitable play clothes so they may play and explore freely and not worry about getting good clothes dirty. Ensure their clothing and footwear is easy enough for them to perform simple tasks on their own, such as elastic waistband for easy toileting and velcro shoes to place on and off independently. Thongs and clogs are not acceptable. Please label all clothing.
Sun Protection
At Leylands Learning Centre we practice safe fun in and out of the sun procedures. We ask that parents dress their children in clothing that gives them maximum protection from the sun. A loose fitting cotton T-shirt which covers the shoulders and the back of the neck is recommended. We also recommend that you apply SPF 30+ broad spectrum water resistant sunscreen to your child when arriving at the centre. More will be applied throughout the day as needed.
Toys & Treasures from Home
We recognise the enthusiasm your child has for some toys and how they wish to show them to their friends but we would appreciate it if toys were NOT brought from home. Your child’s “treasures” can be lost or broken, causing unnecessary distress. They can bring a soft toy for rest time which is kept in their locker until needed. The Centre and Educators do not accept responsibility for any broken, lost or damaged toys which are brought from home to the centre.
This is a very special day for your child. You may bring a Birthday cake on the day you wish to celebrate as long as the cake is nut and egg free. Please feel free to join us for afternoon tea on this day, to make it a really special day for your child. Photos will be take for your child with your permission.

Exclusions from Care

Exclusions due to illness: for the health and safety reasons of other children, a child will not be able to attend the centre during the period of time in which:

  • have a contagious illness or infectious disease
  • have been in close contact with someone who has a positive confirmed case of COVID-19
  • have a temperature above 37.5°C when assessed prior to entry to the service (effective during a pandemic or outbreak of an infectious disease)
  • are unwell and unable to participate in normal activities or require additional attention
  • have had a temperature, vomiting in the last 24 hours- as reported by a parent
  • have had diarrhoea in the last 48 hours
  • have started a course of anti-biotics in the last 24 hours
  • have been given medication for a temperature prior to arriving at the Service (for example: Panadol)
  • Children may become unwell throughout the day, educators will take the child’s temperature. If the child’s temperature is 38°C or higher, management will contact the child’s parents/guardian/emergency contacts as soon as possible to have the child collected (within 1 hour)

Immunisation/Birth Certificate

Upon enrolment to the centre we will require proof and the provision of an up to date ACIR History Statement of your child’s immunisation according to their age. In the event a child has not been immunised and a condition that is usually prevented by immunisation occurs, that child may be excluded from care as this is a Department of Health requirement. A copy of the child’s birth certificate is also required.


All medication must be handed to a staff member. NO MEDICATIONS MUST BE LEFT  IN YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN’S BAG.

  • Only prescribed medication will be given, as directed by the child’s doctor, in writing or as set out on the original bottle label which will define clearly the child’s name, times to be given and the length of time to be given.
  • If your child is on long term medication we must have a letter from the doctor treating your child. These instructions must state the name of the medication, dosage, and when and how it is to be administered. This letter must be renewed every 3 months.
  • If your child has any allergies then an action plan must be made available to the centre and educators from the treating doctor.
  • Please note that staff will only administer medication with the correct written authority from doctors. Staff will strictly follow instructions written by the treating doctor and therefore staff will not be liable for any allergic reaction or injury encountered to the child as a result of the medication. Please ensure the information placed on the medical plan or permission form is clear and accurate. Staff will not be held responsible for incorrect information written by the parent.

We acknowledge the primary and critical influence families have in their children’s lives and understand that effective relationships between educators and families are fundamental to achieve quality outcomes for children. We provide families with a range of communication methods which include the

  1. Emails and online messages through our service software
  2. Face to face or phone verbal communications
  3. Newsletters and announcements
  4. Educational program software for daily update and child observations.
  5. Family Involvement Wall and notice Board
  6. Feedback and complaint box in the sign in area

Where a parent has any concerns, complaints this needs to be discussed with the centre Director Christine Al-Otaibi, on 02 97873110 or owner Jeff Sun.

If you are still not satisfied you can ring the Department of Community Services or ACECQA (Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority).

As our main duty of care is for the safety, well being and education of the children. All educators who are recognized under the Education and Care National Regulations 2011 as Mandatory Reporters have a duty under the law to bring to the attention of the Department of Community Services any suspicion of child abuse, neglect, etc. At the centre all educators are trained in Child Protection and understand their duty of care to all the children in their care.

Contact Us for more Information